Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

2015 and still no word on our future.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Godspact Journal Politics Blog Temporarily Closed

Effective today, Monday, January 16, 2012 we will be temporarily suspending all activity on the Godspact Journal POLITICS BLOG and the Godspact Journal RELIGION BLOG.

All of our blogging activity will be concentrated to posts on THE INTERNET CRUSADER until otherwise noted on that site first.

The Internet Crusader blog can be found on our web site . . .

WWW. INTERNETCRUSADER .COM (click on the BLOG link),

or directly to

We are advising you because we are still receiving a number of hits on these two blogs so it is possible that some of our visitors are not aware that effective January 1, 2012 we stated that we would place a POSTED notice on the Crusader blog if is something were posted here. The intention is to save you time by not visiting this blog and having it not be updated.


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Blog Protocols at I-Crusader and Godspact


We plan to post the first INTERNET CRUSADER blog on December 24, 2011 sometime in the late afternoon. We hope that you will visit us then, and after that make us a part of your daily routine.

Visitors will have access to all of our blogs and other Internet media through the GODSPACT.ORG Internet site. We plan to utilize Facebook, Twitter and YouTube in order to "reach out" to the world as deemed necessary.

Access to the INTERNET CRUSADER blog can be done directly by using the URL address INTERNETCRUSADER.ORG and clicking on the BLOG link. Links to other Internet resources are also provided in the "LINKS" page on the web site which is the other button on the front page.

From that point forward, this blog will have consistent postings, and if something is posted in the GODSPACT Journal - (Politics or Religion blogs), you will see it "advertised" here so you don't have to waste your valuable time by checking them out for updates just to be disappointed to discover that there were no updates. This should really simplify things here.

We hope that you learn or benefit from our posts, but remember that what we post are our opinions. We try to be diligent in our research, but from past experience we find that sometimes facts can get skewed for source to source. We also encourage visitor input and participation.

On December 23, 2011 we will post a mission and purpose statement here to help new visitors see what we are all about. Our regular readers already know what those are, which is why we let them know that the first Official IC post will be done on the 24th.

We hope to present honest interpretations of the issues of the day in American Politics and the Christian Religion. We may at times get disrespectful or seem crude to some but that disrespect will be based on passion for an issue.

Thank you for reading... God Bless You, and God Bless America!

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Mario Romualdo and the members of GODSPACT would like to wish all of you a very happy and most prosperous new year.

While we can all disagree on issues we can all agree that in a civilized society it is essential that we maintain respect for one another.

Best wishes to all, LEFT and RIGHT.

Friday, May 7, 2010


I recently received this viral email and I think it well worth posting here for you to enjoy. (It has been edited to reflect a web presence rather than email).

Let me make this perfectly clear!

And because I make this statement DOES NOT mean I'm against immigration!!!

Welcome! To come in legally:

1. Get a sponsor!
2. Get a place to lay your head!
3. Get a job!
4. Live By OUR Rules!
5. Pay YOUR Taxes!
6. Learn the LANGUAGE (English) as all immigrants have in the past!!!


7. Please don't demand that we hand over our lifetime savings of Social Security Funds to you.

If you don't agree for fear of offending someone, then YOU'RE PART OF THE PROBLEM!

When will AMERICANS STOP giving away THEIR RIGHTS???

We've gone so far the other way... bent over backwards not to offend anyone, but it seems no one cares about the AMERICAN CITIZEN that's being offended!

WAKE UP America !!!

[Editorial Note from the G Pact Team]
This applies to you Christians too! Stand up for what you believe.
Don't let these socialist lefties tell you that you are wacky because
you worship "the fairy god in the sky" or pick your offensive remark.

I have handled this by asking them why they feel the need to
disparage me when I see them equally of not more wacky for NOT
believing in God.

They are telling us that the United States is not a Christian nation, and some of you are starting to believe it. Well, don't. Those people are afterall, clueless.

Paul Johnson, British historian said it best...
"Both in Virginia and New England to the North, the Colonists were determined God-fearing men often in search of a religious toleration denied them at home. Who brought their families and were anxious to farm and establish permanent settlements.

They put political and religious freedom before riches, thus took shape the economic dynamo that eventually became the United States, an experiment designed to establish the rule of God on this Earth."

If that doesn't mean a "Christian nation," I don't know what would.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Politics and "Death Threat" Double Standards

This morning while having breakfast, I found myself in my usual multitasking mode and was reviewing the news to see what damage our illustrious dear leader, the chosen one was doing. Okay, unilaterally giving up American military superiority to the Russians again. I don't know whether to learn more Russian or continue with Chinese.

Anyway, as I bounced around from story to story, AOL news had a story about a San Francisco man named Gregory Giusti, 48, who was arrested for (get this folks) "allegedly making dozens of threatening phone calls to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi over health care reform."

The FBI would not comment on the charges because they were under seal, but again this brings up another example of "double standards" when compared to actions against those who made WORSE comments against former President George W. Bush which often went unquestioned, un-arrested, and unpunished and what is happening today when people use their First Amendment right to criticize the members of the Regime in Washington.

For more info and some great pictures, please see --->

I would like to be clear that I do not believe that it is proper to threaten to kill anyone but law enforcement has a duty and obligation to take ALL threats against ALL of our leaders EQUALLY! The way to take care of politicians who don't do what we believe is correct is at the ballot box, and believe me the next few elections must bring about a large changeover for America to go back to it's former glory and moral values.

You know, my "real job" is in a Federal Agency and since I am an appointed uniformed federal officer, most of my peers may be surprised to hear that I also have law enforcement authority. It's part of the job. I bring this up because I also took an oath when I received my federal appointment. The same oath every federal law enforcement officer and federal employee takes. That oath requires me to protect and defend The Constitution of the United States. Did you catch that? The CONSTITUTION -- Not a President, nor a Party!

Do you guys at the FBI, Secret Service, et al... get that? The CONSTITUTION! Not the Bama, not the Bush. Do your jobs fairly and even handedly. Apparently the lefties in those organizations take action when they feel threatened so you righties had better start when it happens against our guys. Remember that history tells us that most wacky actions are taken by the left, and not the right.

This brings up another concern which may be related. A few months back, we had a service talk and we were told that under the Hatch Act, we were not "allowed to discuss politics in the workplace." It would not be tolerated and "violators" would face disciplinary action. Well, I'm don't take kindly to stupidity and actually looked up the Hatch Act and guess what? Nothing in it prohibits what we were told that it did. It says I cannot discuss politics with civilians I come into contact with in an official capacity, or use my position of authority to influence their voting decisions, or run for a political office if it involves a "partisan" stance. Nothing in Hatch prohibits political speech in the workplace. In my opinion, this was a blatant attempt by the Regime to silence opposition speech within the ranks of the federal workforce. That's how it starts.

I still talk politics at work and don't fear retribution. Why? Because I have a copy of the Hatch Act in my desk should I "face discipline" however that would be bad because I would consider legal action against the government for infringing upon my Constitutionally protected right to speak against the government when it does things I believe to be wrong.

Don't you begin to fear either. That's what the Regime wants. Look at Venezuela.